Chicago Ivy Education
ACT SAT test prep for 10th – 12th
Math English tutoring for 5th – 11th
Northbrook / Glenview NW Chicagoland
Interactive in-person tutoring and real-time online learning
1:1 tutoring or small group interactive teaching
Chicago Ivy Education, an ACT SAT Math English tutoring center in Northbrook helps students improve their ACT SAT test scores along with enhancing Math and Reading / Writing skills and problem-solving strategies.
ACT SAT PSAT test score improvement is guaranteed!
Ivy offers various teaching formats and instructional delivery methods to satisfy each student’s needs and goals: in-person one-on-one interactive tutoring and real-time online learning. All methods are interactive, and thus students’ active engagement in learning is strongly encouraged and expected.
Proven record of Study for Success since 1995:
Hundreds of former Ivy students, who had taken Ivy’s SAT ACT test-prep programs, have been accepted to top universities such as Brown, Cornell, Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, Yale University, Univ. of Illinois, and Univ. of Michigan.
Brian Yu, former Northwestern University engineering professor who has 25+ years of teaching experience, directs all Ivy programs.
“부모님과 학생들의 꿈을 실현 시키는 교육” 아이비는 25+년 교육 경험으로
어떤 학생이든 맡겨주시면 성적향상 보장합니다. 영어, 수학 영재 교육 및
ACT / SAT / PSAT 시험 고득점 획득하도록 5-12 학년 학생들에게 맞춤형 개인 지도 또는 소그룹 지도합니다. 아이비에서 알찬 학습효과를 경험해 보십시요.
Contact: Call or Text at 1-847-962-1809,
1-847-778-0085 (Korean)
Thank you!

What We Teach
Ivy tutoring helps students excel in schoolwork and prepare for the SAT ACT tests.

How We Teach
Ivy Success tutoring/teaching engages through a four-step approach to build core academic skills in Math, English and other subjects.

Join Ivy’s SAT/PSAT ACT test-prep cramming courses if you want to boost your Math and English skills along with acquiring problem-solving strategies.