About Ivy 2023-10-26T19:20:50+00:00

Why Choose Ivy?

Better Test Scores Guaranteed!

What Makes Ivy Success Programs Different from Other Tutoring Services?

  • Personalized study plan maximizes academic achievement
  • Ivy provides in-class face-to-face interactive teaching methodology in a student-centered learning environment so that Ivy students can have ample opportunities to participate in small group or private tutoring sessions.
  • We hire highly qualified teachers/tutors who have demonstrated their commitment to enabling students to maximize their potential.

General Academic Info

  • Enrollment is open year-round.  Enroll Now at Ivy ! – Call or Text  1-847-962-1809
  • Flexible learning schedule and personalized study plan:
    Students are placed to the appropriate level or program based on their diagnostic test scores and their academic goals.  Student-Parents-Ivy staff together set up a customized study plan to achieve each student’s goals.  Each student’s tutoring/class schedule is different.
  • We monitor students’ academic progress and take parent’s feedback seriously.

Biography of B. Brian Yu, President

Brian has been teaching students and consulting parents since 1995 when he established Ivy Educational and Environmental Institute, Inc. in Glenview/Northbrook (NW Chicago suburb) area.

For more than 25 years, Brian has helped college-bound students improve their PSAT/SAT/ACT/SAT Subject Test/TOEFL scores along with consulting parents on strategic planning for gaining admissions from elite universities in the States.

With experiences ranging from Math/Engineering study at Northwestern University to higher education leadership training (through ACCET – an accreditation agency), Brian accumulated his expertise in the educational industry as a tutor, college professor, approved school owner, and college-prep consultant.

Brian is very proud of helping hundreds of former Ivy students to enter top colleges such as Cornell, Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, Univ of Illinois, and Univ of Michigan. He also served as an U.S. ICE/SEVP – certified Principal Designated School Official (PDSO) for hundreds of international (F-1 visa) students from 20+ countries. He has expertise in SEVIS I-20 processing and admissions of international students in addition to hands-on mentoring of domestic students.

Brian lives in the Chicagoland area with his family and enjoys helping students, gardening and playing tennis and golf.

Study for Success at Ivy!

시카고 아이비 학원

Chicago Ivy Education  은

유능한 선생님들이 가르칩니다   Study for Success since 1995

어떤 학생이든 맡겨주시면 확실하게 성적향상 보장합니다.


5 – 12 학년 학생들에게

영어, 수학 선행학습 (Subject  Enrichment) 및  ACT/SAT/PSAT 수능 시험 성적 향상 시키는 강의합니다.

맞춤형 개인 지도  Customized 1:1  Tutoring   또는

소그룹 지도 Small Group Teaching: 저렴한 학비로 성적향상 보장

Dr. Yu 원장 책임 지도:  Northwestern Univ.  졸업, Ph.D.

Northwestern Univ.  교수 역임 했고 1995 년 부터  수백명의 우수한 학생들을 명문대학 (Cornell, Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, Yale,

U of Illinois, U of Michigan, etc.) 에  진학시킨 경험.

명문대학 진학  SAT/ ACT / PSAT 수능시험 준비:

핵심 내용 정리.  문제풀이 및 고득점  취득 요령강의

SAT  1500 점 이상,  ACT 33 점 이상 고득점 원하는 학생들 환영함!

무료 모의고사 실시  Free Mock Tests

에세이  (Admission Essay) 코칭 및  원서 작성 까지 도와 주는

합격보장 컨설팅.  연방정부 학비 보조 (Financial Aid)  신청 대행 서비스.

Call or Text:  1-847-962-1809  or  847-778-0085   Northbrook, IL

Mission Statement

This tutoring center provides Ivy Success programs that are designed for secondary students (6th- 12th) to improve their academic performance in Math, English, and college entrance exams (the ACT, SAT, and SAT Subject Tests).

Our tutors/teachers and staff are committed to providing a student-focused learning environment to guide students to maximize their potential in each subject matter while accruing academic achievements.