SAT 1500 ACT 33 or higher

Goal: To obtain ACT 33 ,  SAT 1500 or higher

최고 명문대학 진학  ACT / SAT 특강 – 고급반

Reviewing and strengthening the foundations of the important topics in Math, Reading and Writing

영어 수학 전반에 걸쳐 중요한 핵심 내용을 리뷰하고 정리

최근 ACT / SAT 문제집 사용하여  문제풀이 및 고득점 요령강의

We will engage in intensive activities in problem-solving and developing hands-on strategies using recent SAT ACT test materials to boost your test scores.

Friday  4:15 pm – 7:30

Saturday 9:30 am – 12:30,  1:30 pm – 4:30

1: 1 interactive tutoring is also available

Limited seats.  Call Ivy now at 1-847-962-1809
